The Edit menu is
where you’ll be doing most of your work.
all your mouse motions will be recorded we’ve made this
menu accessible in three different ways.
One of these ways is by clicking the right mouse button. This
is commonly referred to as Right Clicking. Right clicking
will bring up the Edit menu in the exact place where
you right clicked.
If you look at the Edit menu, you’ll find some
writing to the right side of each menu item. This writing is called
a Hot Key Definition. The Hot Keys for all MyPaintShow
Edit menu items start with “Ctrl” followed
by another key.
The Hot Key for selecting Pen color is Ctrl+c.
This means to hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard
while pressing the “c” key. This will instantly bring
up the Color Selection dialog box. The other Hot
Keys will do as indicated.
To create the smoothest looking Show files, it is recommended
that the Edit menu be accessed by either using the Hot
Keys, or by right clicking. The
items on the Edit menu are:
Pen Size
Use to change the size of your pen. Selecting this item
will display a dialog box displaying the current Pen
size setting. You may type in a new Pen size. The numbers
represent pixels.
Pen Color
Use to change the current Pen color. Selecting this item
will display a dialog box with the current Pen color
selected. You may select a new color with this. Transparency
(or erasing) is done by using a Pen color of pure white
(RGB 255,255,255), or the same color as the canvas.
Flood Fill
Use to fill in an enclosed area with the current Pen
color. Selecting this item will change your mouse cursor into
a small paint bucket. When you click (left click) on an area that
area is colored the current color and your mouse cursor returns
to its original shape.
Pick Color From Screen
Use to set your pen color to a color found on your canvas.
Selecting this item will change your mouse cursor into a small
eyedropper shape. When you click (left click) an area the color
directly under the tip of the eye dropper becomes your current
Pen color and your mouse cursor returns to its original
Use to to
step backwards in your Show file, undoing the last action.
There is no limit to the number of undoes you can perform. You
can load an existing file, and undo the entire file if you want
to. However, once a step is “undone”, it cannot be
recovered unless you saved your work. You will love the Hot
Key for this one.